The Age Limit for Child Models and How to Ensure Your Child’s Safety

Child model age limit

A growing number of international labels and designers are hiring models from the United Arab Emirates (UAE), contributing to the industry’s rapid expansion in recent years. Parents should be informed of the risks involved with their child’s participation in the modeling industry and take appropriate measures to protect their child before allowing them to participate. This post will explain ways to keep your child safe while modeling and will look into the minimum age requirement for child models in the United Arab Emirates.


It is necessary to make sure that child models are protected from harm as the fashion and modeling industries continue to develop. The United Arab Emirates has established rules and laws regarding the employment of child models, such as age limits and maximum allowable shift lengths. Parents must be informed of the dangers linked with the modeling profession for their children, even though modeling can provide youngsters with an excellent opportunity to explore their potential.

Age Limit for Child Models in the UAE

The UAE has imposed a minimum age requirement of 15 years old as part of its standards for employing child models. To work as a model in the United Arab Emirates, children under 15 must receive special work authorization from the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation. This age limit helps ensure that youngsters are both physically and mentally prepared to face the rigors of a modeling career.

Working Hours for Child Models in the UAE

Under UAE law, child models cannot work more than six hours per day and are entitled to a one-hour break every three hours. Furthermore, child models are prohibited from working between 10 pm and 6 am. Children’s physical and mental health is protected from the harmful effects of overwork by adhering to these recommendations.

How to Ensure Your Child’s Safety in the Modeling Industry

As a parent, you can do a few things to keep your child safe in the modeling industry:

Research Modeling Agencies

Do some research before signing your child up with a modeling agency. Find established agencies that have a track record of success. You can view the campaigns they’ve worked on and the customers they’ve worked with by checking out their website and social media pages. Feel free to check the agency out thoroughly and request references.

Accompany Your Child to Castings and Shoots

It is essential for you as a parent to attend your child to any castings or shoots that they may have. You must be familiar with the setting of the shoot and the individuals who will be present. Maintain your presence in the same room as your child when they are having fittings and changing costumes to ensure their comfort and safety.

Monitor Your Child’s Mental Health

Due to the long hours and the expectation that they will perform well, the modeling industry can be stressful for children. As a parent, you must keep an eye on your child’s mental health and be alert for any symptoms of anxiety or melancholy in your offspring. In addition to providing emotional support for your child, you should encourage them to talk to you about their thoughts and worries.

Discuss Boundaries with Your Child

Please talk with your kid about limits and boundaries before they start modeling. Ensure that they have a clear understanding of what is expected of them as well as what they are comfortable with. Instruct them to always say no to demands that make them uncomfortable or go against the principles they hold dear.

Know Your Child’s Rights

When your child is involved in the modeling industry, it is essential for you as a parent to be aware of their rights. Be sure you have a complete understanding of the contract as well as any other agreements your child may sign. Do not hesitate to voice any questions or concerns you may have, and seek the counsel of an attorney if you feel it is essential to do so.


What should I do if I suspect my child is mistreated in the modeling industry?

If you suspect your child is being mistreated in the modeling industry, it is crucial to speak up. Contact the modeling agency and express your concerns. If you feel your child is in danger, contact the authorities immediately.

Is it safe for my child to model in the UAE?

With regulations and guidelines in place, modeling can be safe for children in the UAE. However, parents must take necessary precautions and be aware of the risks.

Can my child work as a model without a permit in the UAE?

No, any child under 15 must obtain a special permit from the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation to work as a model in the UAE.

What should I do if uncomfortable with a modeling agency my child is signed with?

If you are not comfortable with a modeling agency your child is signed with, you have the right to terminate the contract. Contact the agency, express your concerns, and seek legal advice if necessary.

Can my child negotiate their contract as a model?

While children may not have the legal capacity to negotiate their contracts, you can negotiate on their behalf as a parent. Make sure you understand the terms and conditions of the contract before signing.


The modeling industry can provide a great opportunity for children to gain exposure and confidence, but parents need to take steps to ensure their child’s safety. In the UAE, the age limit for child models is 15 years old, and regulations are in place for working hours. By researching modeling agencies, accompanying your child to castings and shoots, monitoring their mental health, discussing boundaries with them, and knowing their rights, you can ensure your child’s safety in the modeling industry.

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